It has been a great week in Tambov. We have spent time getting to know the rest of the missionary team here, finished a lot of planning for youth camp, and done relationship building with youth in the area.
Due to reasons beyond our control, the outreach in the villages has now become outreach here in the city. Instead of going to the villages for 10 ten days, we will be in Tanbov doing some similar things. We trust this is all part of God's plan. Here are some glimpses into what we have been up to this past week.
On Wednesday night, our team went with some of the missionaries to a dormitory. The guys starting throwing a football around and I stood by praying and waiting for some girls to show up. It didn't take long for some people to start coming out of the dorm to play football. A young girl came out as well to hang out. This dorm, however, is different from the dorms in the States. It is the dorm where the government houses the orphan graduates who are going through trade school after "graduating" from their orphanage. During the summer, they stay in the dorm because they have no family to go home to. It was a joy to be able to spend time with this young woman (Alina) and start building a relationship. We plan to do the same thing next week, and I hope Alina comes back. Please pray for her, that we would be able to show her the Gospel and that she would show an interest in coming to youth camp. Dan and I especially were so excited to experience this kind of ministry for the first time, and we are continuing to pray about how God might use us in orphan graduate ministry in our future.
Last night, we went over to a missionary's home for dinner. She invited some of the young teenage girls she has been getting to know over the past few years. We had a meal with them, and then taught them the game of spoons. Even with the language barrier, we all had such a fun time laughing and hanging out. It was wonderful to hear that one of the girls has now committed to going to camp, and is even urging some of her friends to join her. These girls do not know Jesus and we are praying that they understand and embrace the Gospel through youth camp.
Please pray over this next week that we would continue to build relationships with people. Pray that God would shine through us so the Russians can see the Gospel and want to know more about it. Pray that the youth would have a desire to come to camp, and that the process of getting their parent's permission would be effortless (Christianity is viewed as a cult here and often looked down upon). Thank you for your prayers! Our team cannot wait to see how God works at youth camp and in the preparatory work leading up to it.